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At Meetgirl, we recognise the importance of raising public awareness of the fight against human trafficking. As a private online company, we have taken the initiative to become actively involved in the fight against this global problem. If we identify a case of trafficking, we act immediately and work closely with local and international authorities. To report a suspected case of trafficking, please contact us at the following address

We also encourage you to report any suspicion of trafficking to the relevant authorities.

The Importance of Combating Human Trafficking

Although prostitution and independent escort services are legal in Switzerland, some people exploit these laws to violate human rights. When a woman freely chooses to prostitute herself, she should be treated with respect. However, when a person is forced into prostitution, this constitutes a serious violation of human rights. Switzerland has succeeded in taking significant measures against these abuses.

If in doubt or in an emergency, call 117 (police) immediately. Alternatively, you can report cases of trafficking to the following cantonal brigades:

  • Geneva vice squad: +41 22 427 71 50
  • Vaud vice squad: +41 21 315 15 15
  • Neuchâtel vice squad: +41 32 889 68 10
  • Valais vice squad: +41 27 606 56 90
  • Fribourg vice squad: +41 26 305 19 19
  • Jura vice squad: +41 32 420 76 00
  • Vice Squad Bern: +41 31 638 81 11
  • Zurich vice squad: +41 58 648 48 48

Victim Support and Assistance

Many organisations in Switzerland work together to help victims of human trafficking. To find out more, here are some useful resources:

Age verification + 18 years

You certify that you have reached the legal age of majority in your country of residence. By clicking on "Enter" you accept the [GTC] and confirm that you are over 18 years of age.