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Women and porn

It's no surprise that men watch porn, but what about women? More and more people are talking about sex, and it's time to find out a little more about what women watch as porn.

To start with, 90 % of women admit to having watched porn. This figure is already interesting, because it means that women who have not seen an X-rated film or scene are in the minority. 1 in 10 women would never have watched one.

Of the 90 %, around 50 % watch it regularly. We're not talking about addiction, just regular consumption.

But what about the categories preferred by women? What about the most popular scenes?

It is widely accepted that the majority of women prefer to watch scenes involving same-sex relationships. This preference is often attributed to the softer, more romantic aspect of these scenes, which emphasise intimacy and sensuality rather than excitement and physical pleasure.

In addition, women often prefer scenes involving relationships between people of similar ages or between partners of similar experience. This can be seen as a way of connecting with the characters and scenes, and feeling closer to what you're seeing on screen.

Finally, women often prefer scenes involving relationships between people who genuinely seem to connect and love each other, rather than scenes that seem forced or emotionless.

These preferences are important because they show that women have similar preferences and interests to men when it comes to porn, but with a more intimate and romantic approach. It may also indicate that women have different needs when it comes to sex and pleasure, and that porn can be a useful resource for meeting those needs.

Women watch porn, and most of them have similar preferences to men when it comes to the kind of scenes they prefer to watch. However, women also have distinct preferences, which can be seen as a way of connecting to the characters and scenes, and feeling closer to what we see on the screen. This shows that porn consumption is a complex and multidimensional practice, which needs to be considered holistically and not just in terms of stigmatisation or moralisation.


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